White Cedar Log Railing (Round)
All Rails, Posts, and Spindles have a hand-peeled appearance, so diameters will vary, and may have bowing.
Rail systems may be used on interior and exterior applications.
This White Cedar will naturally develop cracks and checks which enhances its rustic appeal.
White Cedar
Hand Peeled Appearance
Tenoned or Square Cut Ends
Interior or Exterior Use
Use for Decks, Lofts, or Stairs
6″ Vertical Posts, 4″ Horizontal Rails, 3″ Spindles
Individual pieces perfect for furniture building
Tenoned Rail Section
Rail sections come pre-assembled as shown.
Rail sections available in 3′, 4′, 5′, 6′, 7′, 8′, 9′ & 10′ lengths (measured end of rail to end of rail).
Installed measurements are 4″ less between posts (2’8″, 3’8″, etc) due to tenoned ends (fitting into posts).
Item Description | Part # |
3′ Cedar Rail Section w/Tenon | 6100000301 |
5′ Cedar Rail Section w/Tenon | 6100000501 |
7′ Cedar Rail Section w/Tenon | 6100000701 |
9′ Cedar Rail Section w/Tenon | 6100000901 |
Item Description | Part # |
4′ Cedar Rail Section w/Tenon | 6100000401 |
6′ Cedar Rail Section w/Tenon | 6100000601 |
8′ Cedar Rail Section w/Tenon | 6100000801 |
10′ Cedar Rail Section w/Tenon | 6100001001 |
Square Cut Rail Section (Trimmable)
Rail sections come pre-assembled as shown.
Rail sections available in 3′, 4′, 5′, 6′, 7′, 8′, 9′ & 10′ lengths (measured end of rail to end of rail).
Installed measurements are 4″ less post to post (2’8″, 3’8″, etc) due to trimming of straight cut ends.
Item Description | Part # |
3′ Cedar Rail Section (sq cut) | 6000000301 |
5′ Cedar Rail Section (sq cut) | 6000000501 |
7′ Cedar Rail Section (sq cut) | 6000000701 |
9′ Cedar Rail Section (sq cut) | 6000000901 |
Item Description | Part # |
4′ Cedar Rail Section (sq cut) | 6000000401 |
6′ Cedar Rail Section (sq cut) | 6000000601 |
8′ Cedar Rail Section (sq cut) | 6000000801 |
10′ Cedar Rail Section (sq cut) | 6000001001 |
Custom railings may be ordered for decks, loft areas, and stairways.
Custom Horizontal Railing Systems
Top and bottom rails are tenoned to fit into pre-drilled 6″ posts, based on diagram and measurements provided by the customer or
contractor. Posts will be evenly spaces unless specified differently on diagram. Sections will be numbered for assembly and include rails, spindles, and posts. Fasteners not included. Commercial Height Railing Available.
Custom Stair Railing
Top and bottom rails left long for on-site cutting or tenoning. Stair posts need to be sanded or drilled on site for proper fit. To
order: A stair measurement sheet must be filled out by the installer. Install staircase prior to measuring for railing to avoid errors.
Fasteners not included. Commercial Height Railing Available.
2″, 3″, or 4″ White Cedar Rails
Item Description | Part # |
2″x8′ Cedar Hand Rail | 6000003800 |
3″x8′ Cedar Rail | 6000003801 |
3″x10′ Cedar Rail | 6000003810 |
4″x4′ Cedar Rail | 6100004401 |
4″x8′ Cedar Rail | 6000004801 |
4″x10′ Cedar Rail | 6000004101 |
4″x12′ Cedar Rail | 6000004121 |

The top has a slight bevel
6″ x 40″ Flush Mount White Cedar Post
6″ x 4′ Shoulder Notched White Cedar Post
Outside & Inside Corner Shoulder Notched Post
Item Description | Part # |
6″x40″ Flush Mount Post | 6000004001 |
6″x48.5″ Flush Mount Post | 6000004002 |
6″x48.5″ Shoulder Notched Post | 6000006401 |
6″x48.5″ Outside Corner Shoulder Notched Post | 6000016401 |
6″x48.5″ Inside Corner Shoulder Notched Post | 6000016402 |
6″x40″ Half Post | 6000004003 |
6″ x 48.5″ Notched Half Post | 6000004004 |
Flush Mount Posts sit on the surface of you deck or loft. All notched posts are designed to lag into the deck joist.
See Railing Installation Sheets for more information.
3″ White Cedar Spindle with tenoned ends.
Item Description | Part # |
3″x29″ Cedar Log Spindle w/Tenoned Ends | 6000002802 |
3″x26″ Cedar Log Stair Spindle w/Tenoned Ends | 6000002602 |
3″x29″ Cedar Log Spindle w/Untenoned Ends | 6000002801 |
More Cedar Posts
6″ or 8″ White Cedar Posts
Item Description | Part # |
6″x8′ Cedar Post | 6000006801 |
6″x10′ Cedar Post | 6000006101 |
8″x40″ Cedar Post | 6000038070 |
8″x48.5″ Cedar Post | 6000038072 |
8″x8′ Cedar Post | 6000038081 |
White Pine Timber Railing (Square)
Pine railing is available in Smooth with Hewn Edges called Rustic Cabin Railing.
Rails are 3″x4″ while spindles are 2.25″x2.25″. Pine railing is to be used on interior straight and stair runs.
This White Pine will naturally develop cracks and checks which enhances its rustic appeal.
White Pine
Square Cut Ends
Interior Use
Use for Straight runs, Lofts, or Stairs
6″x6″ Vertical Posts, 3″x4″ Horizontal Rails, 2.25″x2.25″ Spindles
White Pine Square Cut Timber Rail Sections
Trimmable rail sections come pre-assembled as shown.
Rail sections available in 2′, 3′, 4′, 5′, 6′, 7′, 8′, 9′ & 10′ lengths (measured end of rail to end of rail)
Item Description | Part # |
3′ Rustic Cabin Rail Section | 6400001603 |
5′ Rustic Cabin Rail Section | 6400001605 |
7′ Rustic Cabin Rail Section | 6400001607 |
9′ Rustic Cabin Rail Section | 6400001609 |
Item Description | Part # |
4′ Rustic Cabin Rail Section | 6400001604 |
6′ Rustic Cabin Rail Section | 6400001606 |
8′ Rustic Cabin Rail Section | 6400001608 |
10′ Rustic Cabin Rail Section | 6400001610 |
Custom railings may be ordered for stairways.
Custom Square Pine Stair Railing
Top and bottom rails left long for on-site cutting. To order: A stair measurement sheet must be filled out by the installer. Install staircase prior to measuring for railing to avoid errors. Fasteners not included.
Item Description | Part # |
Rustic Cabin Hewn Custom Stair Railing | 6400001612 |
Pine Posts
Item Description | Cabin Smooth Part # | Rustic Cabin Hewn Part # |
6″x6″x40″ Post | 6000003901 | 6400003902 |
6″x6″x4′ Post | 6000003911 | 6400003912 |

Flush Mount Posts sit on the surface of you deck or loft. See Railing Installation Sheets for more information.